Ana Ceregatti Nutritionist | Healthy eating
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  • YouTube Escola de Nutrição

"Let food be thy medicine"


Get in touch with

dra. Ana Ceregatti

and schedule an appointment

We'll get in touch soon

Bem ana_editado_editado_editado.png
vindo ana_editado_editado_editado.png

It's a pleasure to have you here!

Browsing through the pages of this site, you will find information about my education, my clinical conduct, as well as the address of my office located in the city of Campinas/SP (BRA).

The site is connected to my blog Vegetarian Food, where I write about various aspects of human nutrition with a focus on the vegetarian choices. Even if you do not adopt this type of life style, it is worth checking the content, because it deals with 'how to eat well to live more and better'.

The website also connects to the School of Nutrition, a project that aims to disseminate the culture of "eating well". The space offers various materials, such as videos, podcasts and downloadable content.


If you are connected via facebook, like the page Ana Ceregatti - Nutritionist, which contains especially tips and recipes for everyday life. The same goes for Instagram @anaceregatti and @escoladenutricao.

I hope you enjoy the visit! If you have any suggestions, just contact me by e-mail or by phone +55 (11) 9 9196 - 2696

Areas of expertise


Vegetarianism and veganism


Assistance to adopters of this food choice, in any age group, people in transition to this life style, women in their bright season, such as motherhood and lactation, and little babies who will start complementary feeding


Nutritional guidance


For those who are overweight, with high cholesterol and pressure, diabetes and other changes in metabolism, at any stage of life: pregnant women, children, the elderly and / or sportsmen


Academic work


In postgraduate courses in Vegetarian Nutrition and Vegan Gastronomy


Text production

For print and digital media


Education activities

Through lectures, courses and workshops in the area of ​​Nutrition and Health for the general public


Association with the vegetarian magazine "Revista dos Vegetarianos"

Columnist of the sections "talk to the expert" and "SOS Food"

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